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Book 1: Magical Mafias

Thairn Aurvo'sha and Illa Sh'rettgratti are faerie spies working in the mostly-unaware human world. They were involuntarily betrothed to one another, and it's driven a rift between them. Despite that, they've become friends, and agreed to share a mission together. One that will see them infiltrating magical gangs and meeting the would-be heir to one of those gangs, Mickey Morley. Everyone has secrets... but how well can they keep them?

The audio versions are currently all unedited copies of the Twitch audio serial, which is backed up to YouTube (inasmuch as either site's ToS will allow--part of why this site exists is so I have a place for the missing episodes I had to make Discord-exclusive during the audio serial).

Spoiler Corner

Episode Covers


Episode 1: Bare Throat, Broken Heart

Episode 1 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 2: Tell Me, Use Me

Episode 2 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 3: Sleepless Nightmare

Episode 3 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 4: Test of the Serpent

Episode 4 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 5: Dungeon Delving

Episode 5 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 6: New Faces

Episode 6 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 7: Ward and Shadow

Episode 7 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 8: The Purpose of a Lie Is to Survive

Episode 8 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 9: Devil's Snare

Episode 9 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 10: All You've Seen of Me

Episode 10 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 11: The Birds and the Grasshoppers

Episode 11 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 12: Truth Without Trust

Episode 12 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 13: What You Don't Know Can Hurt You

Episode 13 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 14: Test of the Kraken

Episode 14 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 15: Test of the Serpent

Episode 15 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 16: A Heart for a Heart

Episode 16 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 17: Breaking Point

Episode 17 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 18: Generous

Episode 18 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 19: Disenchanted

Episode 19 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 20: Visitation

Episode 20 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 21: Allies and Just Lies

Episode 21 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 22: Death Be a Revolution

Episode 22 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 23: Breathing Is a Moment Stolen from the Void

Episode 23 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 24: Metamoury

Episode 24 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 25: It's You, and It's Alright

Episode 25 Cut-Tag Version

Episode 26: Oasis

Episode 26 Cut-Tag Version

Internal Links:
Home PageSeriesBook 1Spoiler Corner

External Links:
Ko-FiArt GalleryTwitchYouTubeDreamwidth

Image Credit:Favicon (little icon on the browser tab) licensed from automotive.stocks on Deposit Photos

Copyright Statement/Fanworks Policy: Unless otherwise indicated, all works of fiction posted here belong to me. I offer revocable permission for readers/listeners to create non-commercial fanfiction and non-commercial fanart, as long as it does not reproduce substantial portions of my work, does not claim ownership of my work, and does not involve claiming to act/speak on my behalf. I reserve the right to revoke or modify this permission at any time, including by actions such as updating this statement, through direct contact, etc. If you want to create commercial derivative works, please reach out to me to inquire about arranging a license agreement. (Statement last updated 2023/03/12.)

Privacy Notice: This site takes IP logs that are deleted monthly. As far as I'm aware, this site does not capture or store any other user data. (Notice last updated 2023/03/12.)