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Fantasies (Thairn/Mickey)

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The first thing Thairn tended to imagine was Mickey's hands. Broad palms, a firm and confident touch. Running over her shoulders, making their way down her arms. Gliding his hands up hers--her real ones, the ones without the glamour--to part her fingers, lace his own between them. His thumb circling the center of her palm, that strange sensitivity so few ever seemed to find.

He'd bring one hand up to caress her throat, landing a first, soft kiss there. His touch trailing warmth down the nape of her neck, curving along the bends of her shoulder blades. All as she stepped in close to him, guided the next kiss to the edge of her jaw where it met her neck, just where she was sensitive.

She set her fantasy inside his bedroom. The wards secure against onlookers. Leaving her free to strip off every glamour, to have him touch her without obstruction. Have him see her, and finally know how he'd respond. Fervently, she liked to imagine.

She'd flare her wings so he could touch them, too, she thought. The way he touched Alanna when they pretended to be lovers, Thairn was sure he would be careful. Would watch her reactions as intently as she watched his. How well he read her was a threat outside the bedroom, but inside... mm, she would love to see all that clever intuition turned to bed-play.

Imagined his body pressed to her back, warm against her, those hands smoothing down along her chest, his thumbs on her nipples, mm. He would whisper to her, she was sure. He had a quick-sparking imagination, and he'd turn it now to promising all sorts of intimate delights for them both. His breath would come hot against her skin, and finally she'd turn and capture every salacious syllable with her mouth, put his clever tongue to better use.

Finally, those confident hands would descend downwards. The palm of one hand cupping her cock with the firmness of all that experience they'd traded so many tales about. The fingertips of the other gliding just between her lips, a smooth, slow stroke. She let her hand imitate one and the tip of her vibrator imitate the other. Wet enough, thank goodness, to not need to scrounge for lube. Careful about how the movement looked under the covers, in case anyone was scrying on her room in the real world, outside her fantasy. Making sure to keep her voice in line with Alanna's. So much fucking caution when all she wanted was to just feel...

She gasped as she pictured his fingers pushing further into her, moving the vibrator in tandem. Turning it on to a light buzz, just enough to soothe out any tightness. He was whispering to her again in her imagination, and since it was a fantasy he could know her name, say things like Thairn, do you know how much I've wanted this? Wanted to see you like this? To touch you like this?

A high sound escaped her, plea and need and longing, even as he kept going in her mind, pushing further into her, his other hand stroking her, his voice in her ear talking about I can't stop thinking about you, you look so much more gorgeous than I imagined, I want to make you feel good, please tell me how to make you feel good...

The buzz higher now, her hand swifter now, her mind flooded with how he would feel against her, how he would look at her, what it would be like to kiss him, "Mickey, please, darling--" The only thing wrecking this her need to keep all too fucking aware of scrying, but speaking her desire for him into the night was entirely in line with his "lover" Alanna, so really all she had to watch was her voice and her hand, could let the rest go into picturing him, feeling him. "Mickey, keep touching me there, please, I'm going to come--"

The orgasm thrummed down her body with all the resonance of a plucked string. So fully involving she only barely caught herself in time, before she could stain the bedsheets too obviously. The vibrator off and out, too sensitive. Leaving her with echoes, pulsing through her.

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